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#Port handling equipment

Three shipyard cranes


Vessel Jumbo Kinetic

Weight & Cargo 3 shipyard cranes:

27 x 16.5 x 136.7 m – weight 947 t

23.4 x 14.5 x136.2 m – weight 968 t

21.4 x14.5 x110.5 m – weight 651 t

POL Qingdao, China

POD 3 ports, Italy


  • Cost-effective plug-and-play transport solution
  • JSI-Alliance proposed lifting method by means of dismountable outriggers
  • The cranes have a high centre of gravity (cog) and 100 t of ballast weight was added to lower the cog and enable a stable lift
  • 3 different rail tracks were built in vessels hold to position and stow the cranes on the vessel
  • Together with merchant’s engineers a detailed acceleration study was made and subsequent seafastening design
  • Route via Cape of Good Hope

Project Summary: Three shipyard cranes

Flexible shipping solutions for complex projects.

One of the Jumbo Kinetic’s recent voyages demonstrates more than our height of engineering, it also shows our highly flexible shipping solutions for complex projects that require the best engineered heavy transport solutions worldwide. The challenge was to transport three fully erected single boom shipyard cranes, manufactured by Haixi Heavy Machinery Company in China for the Italian shipbuilding group Fincantieri from Qingdao, China to three different Fincantieri shipyards in Italy for our client LiHua Logistics Company.

The team engineered this shipping solution in less than three months. The cranes were particularly narrow; one of them was only nine metres wide at its base, therefore, stability of the cranes was critical during the lift. The Jumbo Kinetic, only one of three vessels in the world capable of this project, loaded the cargo with its own deck cranes – each lift as a dual-lift – into its cargo hold.

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