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A Logistical and Astronomical Triumph


A Logistical and Astronomical Triumph


Vessels DZ Yantai, Industrial Swift, RMS Fraternity

Cargo Extremely Large Telescope (ELT)

Total of 2,084 mt and 16,193 cbm

Diameter 39 m

POL Monfalcone, Italy

POD Antofagasta, Chile


  • Extreme Fragility: Required meticulous handling to prevent any damage; slightest imperfections could necessitate full component replacements from Italy.
  • Under Deck Shipment: Ensured protection and security of components during transit.
  • Specific Stacking Guidelines: Adhered to precise guidelines for safe and stable stacking to maintain integrity of the cargo.

Project Summary

An ambitious project to construct the world’s largest land-based telescope, the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), is underway, involving the intricate logistics of transporting high-performance telescope parts from Monfalcone, Italy, to Antofagasta, Chile.

With three shipments totaling 2,084 mt and 16,193 cbm, this logistics operation, among others, underscores the scale and complexity of erecting the largest telescope on land. Located in the Chilean Andes at approximately 3,000 meters above sea level, the ELT will be the world’s largest telescope, boasting a primary mirror diameter of 39 meters. The first shipment was successfully carried out by the MV DZ Yantai in the summer of 2023, and the second shipment was expertly handled by the MV Swift in early 2024. The third shipment is transported by the RMS Fraternity in summer 2024.

However, the journey from Monfalcone to Antofagasta represents more than just a logistical feat; it is a step towards redefining our understanding of the universe. Indeed, this project not only showcases the marvels of engineering and logistics but also highlights the spirit of international collaboration in the pursuit of knowledge and exploration.

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