21 April 2023
ACC modules MV Svenja loading
In 2021, JSI-Alliance was awarded a major project involving the transport of 27 Air Cool Condensers (ACC) modules, auxiliary modules, steam ducts, and staircases by CCZ JV (Chiyoda, CB&I, Zachry JV) for the Golden Pass LNG project on the MV Svenja.
A total of 215,529 freight tons, divided over nine shipments, had to be transported from Changshu, China, to Beaumont, USA, located in the Gulf of Mexico.
The heaviest ACC module weighed 260.4 mt and measured 25.91 x 14.44 x 17.32 meters. On 16.02.2023, our strong lady MV Svenja successfully discharged the cargo in Beaumont, USA.
“I believe we won this project because of our solid technical solution and track record. The clearances were very tight, but we managed to stow all six units on deck.”
Want to know more?

Christian Hoffman
Director Group
Strategy & Marketing

Cheyne Croes
Manager Marketing &